Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What makes a good dance performance?

Here's a good example of what I call good dancing. Its a simple peace, performed by two people yet the elements this dance comprises makes its a spectacular watch.

Dance is something everybody can do. It is an art which we can be very good at without needing to study. It is a matter of feeling the music, the emotions connected with the lyrics and the beats that tell you where and how to move. In my opinion, the best way to describe a good dancer is one who "goes with the flow".

Having said that there are no studies involved in learning how to dance, here are some key factors to keep in mind when performing or practicing:

1) Tell your story through your facial expression. Show your passion and love for dancing through expression and feelings. This is very nicely depicted in the video above. When you feel optimistic about your performance so will the audience. It is a good way of controlling how you would like the viewers to react. 

2) Stage Presence. This is also known as the "IT" factor. It is the ability to engage your audience. The way you enter, exit and move around the given stage keeps your audience interested and allows them to react to an interactive performance. 

3) Dress to impress! Many put all the effort in practising, focusing on the moves and coordination that they forget to paint the picture with colours and dresses (of course). Not focusing on outfits for the performance is making as silly a mistake as submitting a drawing for an art competition without colouring it.

4) Practise makes you perfect. No move is too difficult or easy, its the practise that defines the level of difficulty for you. Practise is your solution to coordination, stamina, elegance, remembering of steps and basically every dance element you can think of. 

5) Last by not least, be optimistic and don't give up!

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